first new beta: - fix 'r' in font, it didn't have any extra space in front of it - fix glow for DEUT, LIGH, and DUST (firework?) - some kind of fix for the icon on Linux
second new beta: - fix replace mode delete with tools (won't delete stuff anymore, I accidentally made it do that) - enable realistic heat, put build info on intro screen
Realistic heat changes the way heat is transferred a little, i'm not exactly sure what it does
Edit: lol, a save with -1 votes was just # 2 on the download page, maybe that should be fixed
@disturbed666(View Post) I disabled NBLE from ionizing at high temperatures because then fusion couldn't happen. I also made hydrogen (and oxygen in the next version if it has oxygen fusion) not burn at higher temperatures either. Just cool them down to make them act normally.
@jacksonmj(View Post) Why can't it just be made toggleable like other options are? It could be disabled by default. It is like this in my mod.