
  • The-Fall
    13th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    After some experimenting with the most recent source (After compiling it), I am not really too sure of what features were decidedly added or not added from the original suggestion.


    Can you give me a list of what proton does definitively, and what may be added to it in the future?



    Also, Is there anyway to create them like how NEUT is created when PHOT passes through INVS?


    Edited once by The-Fall. Last: 13th Sep 2013
  • jacob1
    13th Sep 2013 Developer 2 Permalink
    PHOT+H2 = PROT
    PROT+ELEC = H2
    (I think these are the only reactions right now)

    Anyway, it for sure has most of that reaction described with EXOT (except the LN2 part), it also has the ability to set off explosives (but only when hot), and it makes a small amount of negative pressure. It also stops sparks for a short period of time. They have the same speed as ELEC, but they don't have an entirely random direction, they do tend to be created in certain lines.

    The DEUT thing I guess I didn't see ... I could try adding that though. It's not part of fusion, I don't want to change that and have it mess up. Although probably a few PROTs will be generated just because of what it's reactions are, I never thought of that.

    Some newish things are that it transfers heat to anything, even things that don't conduct. You can heat up WIFI/portal for example, or you could heat / cool things in PIPE.

    Also when protons collide at high speed, they make some heavier elements.

    I think this is all ...
  • nmd
    13th Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Wow. after all this time, it was finally implemented :D

    I feel like I should erect a giant thanks sign or something...

    Edited once by nmd. Last: 13th Sep 2013
  • firefreak11
    13th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    When is the update with protons being released?

  • The-Fall
    14th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I was up all night playing with the protons, building lasers & using them to melt cities.

    Really, when you look at the properties of how proton conducts heat whilst passing through nearly all solids, they kinda behave similar to microwave radiation.

  • Armorhand
    14th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Its good idea. I want it to appear in the next version! =)

  • jacob1
    14th Sep 2013 Developer 1 Permalink
    @firefreak11 (View Post)
    no idea, whenever Simon comes back probably


    Also I made some PROT changes. I added the DEUT thing described in the first post here. I also changed PHOT+H2=PROT, to PHOT+H2=PROT+ELEC. The PROT produced won't combine with the ELEC

    I have a possible change that i'm not sure about. I noticed a ton of PROT is produced in fusion, just because of the reactions that create it. I'm not sure if PROT should be made in fusion at all, that wasn't originally intended in it's design, and it might make it harder to control (since PROT goes right through everything). I was thinking about stopping / decreasing the PROT creation reaction during fusion (possible, I already did it), but it seems like people might rather have PROT be created. what do other people think?
  • Oats
    14th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink



    Just this part of the reactions would break saves in my opinion. The fact that PROT goes through almost everything will make it much harder to contain, and have you considered whether or not PROT will cool down or heat up the reaction?


    • Some saves may require a certain heat, which would no longer work.
    • Several saves create fusion in a wall type chamber then "sort" the output elements into different containers. These would all break.
    • If protons are made in fusion, then my save "bomb strength tester V2" would no longer be able to hold and test fusion bombs. The mechanisms that read the pressure levels and so forth would all be exposed to this new element, and the wires/"areas around the graph" would probably melt. 
    Edited once by Oats. Last: 14th Sep 2013
  • The-Fall
    14th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I stand by the element as it is. 

    I do not want any changes, this behavior is entirely unique to it.


    Also, Just cover the wires / border with INSL, or DMND as PROT cannot penetrate those.

    Edited 2 times by The-Fall. Last: 14th Sep 2013
  • jacob1
    14th Sep 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Oats (View Post)
    yes, that's what I was thinking about. The only time PHOT and H2 are probably going to be together is fusion, and I can have that reaction exist still but disable it during fusion. Your concerns were the reasons I didn't want it to happen in fusion.

    In other cases, I don't see PHOT and H2 ever being together in any save. PHOT is mostly destroyed by H2 just because it's a gas and blocks PHOT's path. So I doubt anyone every put them together in other spots.