Some misc TPT questions.

  • Neospector
    16th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I sometimes edit the wiki. Most of the time people make nearly blank or pages about stuff thinking they'll do it later. I make it more descriptive.
  • Uberness
    16th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Yeah, I added links to possible pages, lol.
  • Videogamer555
    16th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Fixed a typo in the wiki. It originally said ctype will let lava melt into neut. I've tried a dozen different things on how to make that happen (thinking it meant I could have stone melt into neut instead of lava) but after experimenting with this a bit, I found I couldn't do that, but COULD make lava freeze into neut instead of stne. I edited and fixed the wiki so now it says it correctly plus added console code (the same code I'd tested myself) and instructions on how to test it out:

    " - Ctype: This sets the temporary state of an element. This has many uses, making lava that freezes into NEUT for example. To do this, draw on some lava then go to console and type 'set ctype lava neut' (without the quotes of course) and then hit enter. Then draw something at room temp below it, and unpause it. When the lava hits the cooler object it will freeze into neut."
  • Catelite
    16th Mar 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink


    Still the wiki is FAR from complete, leaving those who are NOT COMPLETE TPT EXPERTS in the dark on things that would be simple if only you know.

    Geeze, explosion much? D: I'm happy to tell people how things work, I sort through every single post on the forums and answer questions when I can. Sorry if we've not met your expectations D: D:

    Anyway, if you're meaning there should be a tips & tricks wiki page, then go ahead and make one and I'll fill it in as best I can. :o TPT has a sharp learning curve, but when people do make explicit complaints about not understanding game mechanics, there isn't a team of people standing at ready to add the info to the wiki.
  • pegosh2
    16th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    You spell geez with an "e"? What are you, french? :-)
  • Videogamer555
    16th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Added a whole section to the wiki page on the console so that there's room for people to place info of the type I'm looking for. I already started adding some of my own discoveries to it.
    Wiki page on console is found at
  • jacksonmj
    16th Mar 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    TPT is not a simple program. ctype and tmp are used for many different things. Even the "experts" don't always know/remember all the uses.

    Also, the "experts" would generally much rather be doing interesting things (like trying to get the python console working) than going through the source code to find and document all the different uses of the variables.

    There is some more extremely brief documentation on variables in the "coding help" section of the wiki ( But cracker64 is right - the only reliable, up-to-date, accurate information about exactly what a particular variable is doing in a particular element, is the source code.

    Well done for improving the wiki, feel free to carry on doing so.
  • PizzaPlatypus
    16th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Don't get angry with us pros for being awsome lol. It's no that we want secret knowledge it's just we CBA changing the wiki when we're modding powder toy, creating a random program in c (I'm making a text game in C# =P) or modding another game. .
    ctype can be used to set what lava freezes to, for example
    set ctype lava iszs
    would make lava freeze to iszs
    and temp is used to set temperature for example:
    set metl temp 9000
    would make any metal 9000 kelvin. (starting from -273.15 degrees c)