Go ahead this could actually help this element become a reality.
Thank you. Could you possibly post a video or gif. If that's possible on how it works?
Aside from the apparent debates on how it would function, I do like the idea of a proper counter to radioactive effects besides indestructible DMND and inconveniently flammable INSL.
While Radon might be a bit of an odd addition, I'd like to see it as well, if only to have a radioactive gas that slowly decays into a solid if not absorbed.
I do like the idea, but would it break saves? Like I said it'd be interesting to see this as a state change.
I guess breaking saves is always a problem, but at the same time, saves can be updated. I'm on the fence as to which should hold more priority: saves or new features...
True. How about it be an entire different element? Unless you already mean that. Since Uranium and Plutonium are grandfathered pretty much. Why not make Polonium decay into Radon. Unless somehow @jacob1 says it won't break saves.
Thank you. Could you possibly post a video or gif. If that's possible on how it works?
Ooor the code!
local pb = elements.allocate("TPT" , "LEAD")
elements.element(pb, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_IRON))
elements.property(pb, "Name" , "LEAD")
elements.property(pb, "Description" , "Lead, absorbs neutrons. Conducts electricity.")
elements.property(pb, "Color", 0x686868)
elements.property(pb, "HighTemperature", 601.25)
elements.property(pb, "Properties", elements.PROP_NEUTABSORB+elements.PROP_CONDUCTS+elements.PROP_LIFE_DEC+elements.TYPE_SOLID+elements.PROP_DEADLY)
Thank you. Please do video tutorial, so we can see what this does. I am currently on a mobile device.