@Potbelly(View Post) "1. Can't make them look bad. 2. Can't hide what we did." Only from moderators. From users, they would still see a deleted comment. The only way to not have this issue would to have the comment still visible to users (basically, to not have comment deletion)
"don't need to be intentionally being an ass to be misinterpreted" Sure, you can easily be misinterpreted. But you can also literally be an ass to people. Are you claiming every single one of your instances of flaming are just you being misinterpreted? I don't believe that, I've had to hide many of your posts and do multiple bans over it. You should consider how people will interpret your comments when you make them. As for other users, when I delete their comments I'm sure they meant to flame. They weren't being misinterpreted, they literally meant to cause arguments. You haven't said anything about that.
Comment deletion is 100% rejected, nothing you can say will change my mind. Editing comments is a maybe. I will lock this thread now because there is nothing I can do to edit the website and add these features because Simon still hasn't given me access. I know this will turn into more of a flame war if I leave this open.