It doesnt work. The neutrino doesn't go throught other elements.
So? How can i fix it?
So... after 21 days it still doesnt work the way you said jacob1, any other way?
I made another script just with the ntno and removed all functions excluding the sim.can_move.
I found sometime ago that the smaller the variations on
"for i = 1,255 do"
the smaller the lag.
The whole script is here:
The Ntno and Antn should go through everything excluding dmnd.
I think i found the solution, finally...
if tpt.get_property("type", x+math.random(-1,1), y+math.random(-1,1)) > 28 then
for i = 1,255 do
sim.can_move(tpt.element('ntno'),i, 2)
this part of code will make neutrinos go through particles with type number bigger than dmnd, just need to to the same to smaller than diamond and implement on the complete version :)