Element Suggestion: Moderator

  • JamesB
    30th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @NUCLEAR_FOX (View Post)

    Good idea, but It should be blue and glow(cherenkov radiation effect) and vapourise at a high temperature like 1100K  and produce a lot of pressure when in gaseous state so we can have realistic meltdowns.


    @billion57 (View Post)

     That isn't a very good idea as it:

    a)Defeats the whole purpose of building a power plant if all you need is one fuel rod and some wire.

    b)Will make any core made out of titanium (i.e every one not made from wall) electrified- increasing pressure and decreasing temperature whilst causing other problems like water electrification. 

  • NF
    30th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @JamesB (View Post)

     It will stay lime green and but it will glow.

  • sandstorm
    31st May 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    howabout it takes high temperature steam and converts it into hygn? then MODE will be deactivated or converted into a more useless element (zirconium alloy, anyone?)

    the only issue I have with this is that this is obviously aimed at reactors relying on fissile material to produce a chain reaction- other than deut, we don't really have a material that stays at a low enough tempurature to not consistently melt TTAN, or is a liquid, sort of ruining the the whole reactor thing. 


    we need something to make plut less melty and more reactory

  • h4zardz1
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @sandstorm (View Post)
    you can alloy PLUT with MORT to reduce the amount of the NEUT.
  • NF
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @h4zardz1 (View Post)

     Yeah if you delete, mort your perma ban from TPT.

    Edited once by NUCLEAR_FOX. Last: 31st May 2014
  • zBuilder
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @sandstorm (View Post)

     ISOZ is liquid, but it decays so slowly it wouldn't be effective at building a plant though(unless there's some way to boost that)

  • JamesB
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @NUCLEAR_FOX (View Post)

     but what colour glow, as reactors glow blue. The green is from radon and other radioactive sources; anyway the plutonuium will already be/glow green.

  • NF
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @JamesB (View Post)

     It will glow blue.

  • JamesB
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @NUCLEAR_FOX (View Post)

     Then may I suggest a turquise colour that has tmps related colour fluctuation like lava between blue/green (think EXOT after mixing at 1750 degrees)

  • NF
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @JamesB (View Post)

     Like a teal color? I'll post, an image to see if that's the color you want.

    Edited 3 times by NUCLEAR_FOX. Last: 31st May 2014