Yes it is. Besides, he actually wrote all of this HIMSELF. Yours was just a bunch of other people's code smashed together, with no uniformity, whereas this is a really good mod, that is huge compared to most scripts.
EDIT: Never mind about the uniformity, I see you've fixed that :)
Yes, but you just copy-pasted a bunch of other people's mods into your file and posted it. Mine was handcoded.
EDIT: sorry Feynman. Not aimed at you, just didn't read you post yet after replying.
(sorta new to forums).
good script i love redmatter(exept that it gives me like 3 fps.) i also love the God Particle
lol i have 3360 lines in my script that i just combined others into so 40 elements isn't really an archievment when all you have to do is copy and paste
not exactly a mega combo... my mod had over 40 new elements....
Not exactly a mega combo... my mod has over forty new elements.
Sounds good I just took an English test in ISS so I might be doing corrections.
And awesome code for a noob.
Lol. Grammar police.