501-1000: chance for a large explosion without neut/pressure at all.
neut+uran. (ummm....?)
Well uran by default tmp is set to zero.
to stop the possiblity of destroying saves I though it so tmp 1 makes it possible to breed (a small chance to collect neutrons and raise its tmp by 1 to do the things at the certain tmp values that i explaned)
and the tmp value can be change by console or PROP to make it easy for lazy people to make bombs or quickly get the enriched stuff to make reactors.Also important uran would lose tmp by emitting neutrons and heat
Would it be possible to do some thing like phot's spectrums in the display in the top right to show how enriched the uran is or would it be to hard?
I like that idea to deco stuff it would make deco much more easy than what i did copying pixel buy pixel in my iron man save to fit the iron man suit eggy had given me to improve by putting in electronic and other cool toys in it.
well it would be nice to take tpt to the next level and make it possible to change elements properties at a high level in saves to create custom element to stop the flood in with adding more elements and just them simply changing existing elements to a save level plus only setting properties so all of one element is not affected by doing it in the console (e.g making dmnd in a certain area a liquid with out changing all the dmnd in a save).
I was trying to design a jet fuel with out having to be set in the console before the person uses the save results were a failure.
I would find a settible heatter useful some examples i would use it would be:
.filtering elements by melting
.making yeast grow with out burning
.fast cooling systems with out freezing water
.MAKEING COLOUR TV and displays by setting filt to certain heats
.compressing deut to certain levels so my realisic (not made of diamond and walls) prot-deut fusion producing reactor doesn't blow up in an atomic mess
My 3 yr old sis that doesn't know her alphabet and she can play your game and whats really amazing is she drew a stkm and called him my brother and blew him up :O it was a sad day for him
how would you set the .tmp of URAN? The console? Or some new reaction ... (probably not realistic, I don't know)
I will probably make ctrl+c and ctrl+v only copy deco when in the deco editor, at some point in the future. But only when there, I don't think we need another key combination for deco copy.
I'm not sure if PROP should set those things, if anything it could be a new tool entirely that does that. PROP is generally for setting properties like .tmp, .life; not things that affect all of one element. Also with the PROP changes in the next version, it makes less sense to add them. (But still, a new tool, or maybe a lua script that simulates adding a new tool).
We have LIFE types for heaters / coolers now, usually people don't need specific temperatures, and when they do, a heating / cooling element wouldn't be very exact at all. I tried making VIBR give off heat when exploding and it doesn't work very well.
Most of TPT's elements are unrealistic.