1st:uran isotopes determind by tmp or tmp2. this will make uran settable to how reative it is, the higher the tmp simuates U-238 and low tmp simuates U-235
tmp=1 makes uran possible to breed by taking on some neutrons
1 makes uran possible to produce heat from neutrons and more tmp the more heat when bombarded by neut
100 makes uran possible to produce neutrons by fission same the more tmp the more neutrons
250 makes it possible to breed plutonium same as before with chances increasing with more tmp
300-500 highly enriched uran(weapon grade) produces high pressure heat AND LOTS OF NEUTRONS
in conclusion this would make reactors more complex and more fun to make with the chance of breeder reactors and smart design. Bombs with uran could be much bigger than boring plut.
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prop can do all cmd commands like setting names ,setting gravity affects on elements and setting state of matter
heat switch acts as a heater/cooler by setting tmp low or high
Why not? Many applications are doing that (e.g. Visual Studio).
such ellipsis so peremptory wow
Yep, sequential hotkey - you hold Ctrl, press A, then B and release Ctrl. [Ctrl-A-B] or [Ctrl-A, Ctrl-B] or [Ctrl-A, B] whatever... It just so happens that I implemented this kind of hotkey mechanism just a couple hours ago.