the_new_powdertoy99999... Rather than a report botton, I think a user who down votes with bad intent would show themselves. A users voting record could be auto-flagged for an excess of lololol votes and reviewed by a mod to have those votes deleted. But, I hesitate giving the maker of a save the ability to challenge all the down votes they get. That could lead to the same problem in reverse. We chose the green arrow, we move on. We choose the red arrow, down drops the code menu. xetalim... No down vote leaves no room for opinion. No space for the constructive object of pointing out theft. Profanity. Gotta be a downer sometimes. Lockheedmartin... I don't see those downvoters as having to give a written response. Only that if they down vote, the drop down menu mentioned above would require a choice from the menu for the down vote to be registered. choice A- stolen choice B- broken choice C- vile Choice D- crap (a valid opinion to many) and so on. As long as the list does not become excessive. Again allowing a voter to show their intent and flagging those who are consistent in their... ishy poo pooness. However, each vote should carry the same value or one vote up may negate several downvotes based on it being a stolen save. Boxmein... Simplicity is of great importance. Few like to learn a new system when in their view all is well. But most user, I believe, would in time find the feedback helpful. New users would benefit by having the wisdom of the crowd to guide them. Sooo... That stuff.
People who downvote with bad intent don't show themselves, ~ 90% of most front page save's downvotes are not explained. How would you be able to detect if a comment didn't give a valid reason without the maker flagging them?
No downvoting still leaves room for opinion, there is a comments section for a reason.
So.... You want people to be able to see others vote records.
Step 1:Discover that your save has been downvoted a lot.
Step 2:Find the people who downvoted your saves.
Step 3:Downvote all of the saves of the people who downvoted your save.
Step 4:Discover that this is a bad thing to do, as hating will get even worse.
Step 5:Throw away your bad idea.
Step 6:?????????????????????????
Step 7:Profit!
the_new_powdertoy99999... "People who downvote with bad intent don't show themselves, ~ 90% of most front page save's downvotes are not explained" I agree. When a save makes FP there are a lot of eyes on it. More users with a wider range of knowledge. Some will recognise a save as stolen for having been on TPT so long. Their downvote with a code of STOLEN would be valid and helpful. Some will see a profanity, perhaps in a language not every one would know. Their code of PROFANE would be valid and helpful. Some will look with envy. Now, their vote becomes somewhat more difficult to interpret. They may straight forwardly hate and vote CRAP. An auto-flag goes on that users account. xetalim... The owner of the save sees only someone hated. Not who. No one knows now. Ain't Nottin' not gonna be hated on. Welcome to life. Move on. But, if a users account shows a pattern of that user crapping on too many saves, the auto-flags hit a critical point and a mod gets an alert. The mod checks, decides if that person is just hating or has an eye for crap. If their just hating, one click and all that users downvotes are removed. If the hater has to choose a reason but knows crapping is going to be flagged, they have a couple other choices. Random code to hate without being seen, or pick a code that reflects some truth. Right now it's all in one mix. Haters gonna hate. With a new system, at least some actual help will come through. jacob1... Trends would be tracked automatically. Mods, I'm guessing, aren't able to watch ALL users with the same attention and rely to some degree on users being reported. How many times do you have to deal with a gripper to find no hating happened? Only mods would get the alert. Only mods would see WHO downvoted. Or upvoted. By comment I mean choose from a list of reasons. Not write out an explaination. I for one try not to down vote because I don't want to just throw that out there and hurt some earnest kids' feelings. I might want to say BROKEN (or whatever) but not have them think I think they suck and should go away. I like commenting and would. Not every one is the same. YES!! CHANGING VOTES IS GOOD! This system would benefit from that ability directly. If a soul votes down due to believing a save is stolen, but subsequently finds that it wasn't, because the saver can see that STOLEN code on their profile and respond, they could change their vote. These two things mesh well.
I believe that downvoting should be no more difficult than upvoting - so if a comment or reason from a list is not required for upvoting, a comment or reason from a list should not be required for downvoting.
I don't think that forcing people to give a reason for downvoting will tell you how to improve a save. Particularly if picking from a list. For example, "broken" isn't helpful, since it doesn't tell the creator of a save what exactly isn't working. "stolen" isn't helpful, because it doesn't tell moderators where the save is stolen from.
Detailed opinions are needed to tell you how to improve. But forcing people to give an opinion will not necessarily result in additional detailed opinions, more likely the same number of detailed opinions plus a lot of single word useless opinions. Choosing from a list only exacerbates this problem. If people want to express a detailed opinion on a save, they already have the ability to leave a comment.
So if it doesn't help with finding out how to improve a save, the only other reason I can see for this suggestion is detecting mass downvoting. But I reckon this could be done with reasonable accuracy without this suggestion, if mods could see information on all votes by a particular user (for example, looking for a large number of downvotes in a short time). Downvote reasons would not help, since people can just choose a random one (and since voting is a matter of personal opinion, who are we to say a reason is invalid?).
Allowing you to change your vote risks people trying to harass downvoters into changing their vote. Although a limited time (e.g. a few minutes) during which you can change your vote might be helpful, in case someone clicks the wrong button by mistake.
Stolen or profanity: use the report button.
well......than it wouldn't be really specific as it is right now.....since you get "averages".....and you guys should really make it so we know how many ups or downs there are, not some green or red jacob1's mod. :L
But nucular is right.....empty or troll comments.....but still! You can distinguish :) so i think this is a great idea!
Edit: Jacob, the reason why we don't have changing votes i think is that if hackers come on......oh....boy......
Edit: Yeah i know....a bit inconvenient......just replace that dumb green/red bar...
You can see the amount of votes you've recieved, but you have to use this website though.