Save pressure

  • greymatter
    6th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @xetalim (View Post)
    jacob1 is probably the one he mentioned.

    @hittox (View Post)
    It'll be good if it is impemented!
  • MiningMarsh
    6th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Potbelly (View Post)


    Increasing bytesize? What?


    Save size could become an issue. It seems like the saves must be using some sort of compression (maybe not saving blank particles, or maybe some sort of rle?), as if they have to save the state of every XRES/YRES combo, that is already (612*384)/8/1024 = 28KiB per bit per particle. If you had a full canvas of particles and had to save the pressure and velocity of every single one, it seems like it could very easily double/triple the save size.

  • jacob2
    6th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm the most active developer, but yes mniip and jacksonmj will sometimes do some minor fixes or other changes. Savask only does things when asked to really, by people like mniip or Simon. Simon is nit actively developing since he's not here, but I imagine he will come back with a ton of work.

    Yes it can and gas been done, but the question is, will we even add it. Saves are pretty small because we use bz2 but certain things can make the size go up a lot, and as you'veseen recently the server can barely handle what we do now.
  • hittox
    6th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    So, it can be done but it would take alot of space. Well if there would be an option that you can choose if you want to save pressure, can this be done?