I can't log in

  • jenn4
    25th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @Pinkolik (View Post)
    The text files are normal. Have you checked if TPT can access through the firewall? (Just press the most left-bottom button in the game, if you see saves, it can. If not, got to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Windows Firewall -> Allow an app or feauture through windows Firewall -> Change settings -> Allow another app -> browse, find TPT and select it -> add. Now the first software you see in the menu should be Powder.exe. Right to it, there are two checkboxes, you probably want to check them both just in case. This should not be the problem, though. )
  • Kikinicij
    25th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Is it a new account? Do you have any important or usefull saves you dont want to delete, just get a new account, then copy all the saves onto the new account, unless theres just somthing wrong with your login.

  • xetalim
    25th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Kikinicij (View Post)

     that makes no sense.

  • greymatter
    25th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @xetalim (View Post)
    It does, he said that he should create a new account and if @pinkolik account has any saves that he doesn't want to delete, he can open them and save in his new account.

    @Pinkolik (View Post)

    I too recommend making a new account, as it seems you have no saves and just 3 replies and 1 rep point.
    Also, try downloading jacob1's mod, as it is fully compatible with tpt++. Just don't use any mod elements when you save online.
  • xetalim
    25th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @greymatter (View Post)

     it wont just make sense to make a new account.

  • greymatter
    25th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @xetalim (View Post)
    Well, he doesn't have much in this account so he basically has nothing to lose...
  • jacksonmj
    25th Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    I doubt that a new account would help. Then problem may be due to a firewall or web filter or something, but I don't really know. Try the instructions from @jenn4 (View Post)


    An incorrect username or password gives me an actual error message, rather than just "Error:", so it's probably not caused by case sensitivity or strange characters in the password.

  • jacob1
    25th Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    Now that I think about it when tpt++ can't parse the error returned (it has to be json format) it won't display anything at all. I fixed this in a few locations but not the login ui.
  • greymatter
    26th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacksonmj (View Post)
    Allow TPT through firewall, and also, which antivirus do you use?
  • Pinkolik
    26th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jenn4 (View Post)

     Firewall isn't reason 'cos I always turn it off and use Dr.Web Firewall but it isn't reason too 'cos I tried to turn it off and it gave me nothing.

    Also I removed all russian letters from the game path but it didn't work too. And I tried to run game as Administrator. And I used compatibility with Win XP and 98 it didn't work too.