Ads May Have Malware

  • greymatter
    30th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    I always have been cautious never to click on ads on the internet, whether on facebook, tpt, jayisgames or anywhere else. Some of these ads may be legit but 90% percent of the time, both from mine and my friends and relatives experiences, internet ads seem to be hosts for viruses and personal data theft.

    MORAL:Just don't click on any ad you see. If you want to download something, google it and find it in a legit site.

    Also, if you are interested, here are my "internet chaos experiences":
    1)In my old dial-up modem, when i go to, i get a message box saying "Viruses are being sent to your PC!" and a horrible laughing sound. The close button never worked and i had to remove the power to get rid of the problem. This never happens in my new modem though.

    2)I did a virus scan 3 days back before this incident. I had to turn off antivirus security to play a game whose launch icon was "suspected of malware". Before playing the game, i searched online for a walkthrough, and ended up clicking an ad. The ad window froze the pc. I restarted after waiting about 5 mins and did a virus scan, to find 500+ viruses in my pc....
  • boxmein
    30th May 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @greymatter (View Post)
    >90% percent of the time /.../ internet ads seem to be hosts for viruses and personal data theft.

    Do you truly, honestly believe any reputable ad provider would even consider to allow malware infested ads to their selection?
  • cyberdragon
    30th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Do you truly, honestly believe they have much control or even care? As long as it's not computer destroying, there's not much they block. The only way to stop them is to either block them, or filter them so only the legitimate ones are shown. Otherwise, poor unsuspecting 


    I should make an ad filter that detects ambiguos ads and replaces them with this funny warning:


    DANGER! Dis ad is sus!

  • Oats
    30th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I personally think a lot of ads are made for malicious purpose, but the ad I'm seing right now;

    "See elmo and the seasame street gang live. New shows on sale. Book now!" isn't that bad. 

    The link actually seems legit. 


    Edit: Googled it. The same link came up first result.

  • cyberdragon
    31st May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I CAUGHT ONE! I just caught the source of the nasty one currenlty on my screen. It is a big PLAY NOW! button that fills the entire box. It leads here:


    <a id="aw0" target="_top" href=";ai=Ckd8DgOinUf6vJ4TP0AHW34HACJu0tbkD85X3izPAjbcBEAEgov_4CVC75-o4YMn2iImIpIQQoAHt0-3dA8gBAqgDAcgD0QSqBJABT9CVfTYwnNLVpMKsMj4B24ET5CUZBAsriUCwT3GyZABoMENnx6yKyaFAczD4AODLYV0M3zVVketxyY56vKxBwdrWgcMsV_gn4UzYM5l574enjKEl8rh_o_OQ5RN72xFG1BX-NY5MFP-Mv4lwOP6G-XaIYOuzaPACZQYzPtIwiYDBJ7EmZCwQMiZpFiNNzLK5oAYCgAf7q5Ii&amp;num=1&amp;sig=AOD64_0gpUmHRbx06QbBH0oZk0Yw5CfYhQ&amp;client=ca-pub-9107715041771964&amp;adurl=;nm=1&amp;mb=2" onfocus="ss('aw0')" onmousedown="st('aw0')" onmouseover="ss('aw0')" onclick="ha('aw0')"><img src="" border="0" width="468" class="img_ad" onload=""></a>


    That must have come out of a wazoo. :P *rimshot*

  • cccp2
    31st May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • Bloodloon7
    28th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    I FOUND SOMETHING! They have "X"s in their upper right corners that turns them off. YAY! :P They probably didn't want us to know that. :P


    EDIT: They just posted a nasty trojan disguised as antivirus, legit antivirus too. "X"  


    Ad muted. Undo We'll do our best to show you more relevant ads in the future. Help us show you better ads by updating your ads preferences.

    P.S. Don't click that link!

     Which link?

  • cyberdragon
    28th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Those blue words, and yes, I'm right. if you keep clicking the X every time the ad appears for a while, it will eventually stay away.

  • jacob1
    28th Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    if they annoy you, just get an ad blocker. But we get the ads through a trusted ad provider that will remove any viruses right away if somehow they accidentally get through. You don't have to worry about viruses from the ads ever, technically you can get viruses from anywhere at all.
Locked by jacob1: ads will not have malware