This is a copypaste from a theme of suggestions, a bit edited and directly on topic.
MGNT The magnet dust that attracts any metal piece to it, it's strength can be raised by the contact with electricity.
WMHL and BWML The wormhole and breakable wormhole.
The wormhole works like a black hole(optional) and teleports any piece to the other part of the wormhole, that will spawn after the secons click with this material. If there is no exit wormhole, all materials will simply disappear until the wormhole will get the exit, if you remove the wormhole all pieces of material will BURST OUT with a huge speed, GIANT pressure and heat.
The breakable wormhole is some kind of the usual wormhole, but it also can be broken by ionising and low temperature.
SDST Solid dust that can be gotten only with usage of big pressure and temperature with a 1 to 4 proportion of the SDST to any other solid material. It is very heavy, if it is somewhere,where pressure is at the limit or it gets ignited with a temp higher than 2000C degrees, it burns and can be exploded.
LTNG The lightning. The sparkle analogue that can be drawn in the empty space and simply ionise anything it touches.
Also I'd like to suggest adding some solid movable materials that support cracking and some tools for them such as axis, rope, motor(works using electricity), the attach block(here we should be able to put solid blocks that will move with this ABLCK).
MGNT - why? SDST - can be used as very heavy dust that seek to the bottom more than other dusts/solids, cracking solid, but cracky blocks(such as metal or brick). Also if it gets enspeeded - it works like a cannonball. Also I've got an idea...if SDST gets heated to the temperature of 1500-1600 with a pressure about 250 and will contsct with something ionised - it will fly away(the straight angle to the surface of ionising).