This "layering" has actually been in the game since it was created. It was only impossible to actually create naturally until I made the console and unleashed a hell of glitches. There is actually no layering system at all, just particles in the same place (well, energy particles are now in a seperate 'layer' of sorts). And yes, a new save system allows saving of stacked particles.
A while ago someone came up with compressing THDR using radial gravity, however it couldn't be saved or copied and pasted. Then a few months ago while experimenting bEngineer found that it could be saved as of a recent update, then sandstorm found out and told me. It eventually became noticed by the wide community and was removed by adding BHOL into the mix.
However I (others may have also done so) stuck under the particle cap of 5 and continued to use it in my saves.
And they said you won't get credit for making it popular because this is the internet.
Tell me something, have you seen the past well known people ask directly for respect and in head thoughts? What you're doing is raging and demanding respect and credit. This is bound to have people rage and do the total opposite in which you ask. I'm just warning you about this. We CANNOT enforce or shove this pill down the throat of the community.