It always happens and the thread says it did it all the time in the older one. Also, i can set diff. wifi channels if the wifi are touching, according to you, that doesnt happen n yours.
@cj646464(View Post) it happens sometimes in mine (I mentioned when in the first post), but drawing wifi without this, saving it, and opening it with this will not make the dialog come up, they have to cool it themselves by 1 degree first, which doesn't happen too often but sometimes does.
In mine, the wifi can be touching, not touching, stacked, anything at all. It doesn't matter, it doesn't use their position for anything.
@cj646464(View Post) where? On my 'post bugs here' save, I said PROP would do that in the normal tpt (but not my mod), I wasn't talking about this one.
@cj646464(View Post) ok...? I guess I just understand a lot about the game. If you want to keep talking, go to one of the other places, we should keep this about the script in here.