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19th Oct 2012
27th Oct 2012
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  • Swiftie1997
    18th Nov 2012
    You're really leaving? :O
  • evarno
    27th Oct 2012
    lol i wanna go to the computer store and say: "why u take so loong"?
  • circovik
    22nd Oct 2012
    Ahh, I misunderstood you
  • jacob1
    22nd Oct 2012
    circovik: lol, but it is basically exactly the same, just better. Having it as a menu is more convenient, when you can still press 'b' to get to it, use all the same tools, have the same box, and even draw while unpaused. Maybe wait for the next version, the only thing missing now is the preset colors, and I will add them back soon. evarno: OK, i'll try to improve the deco in the future sometime for tpt++, and hopefully get it like my mod is. I already added the improved deco box like my mod, but then stopped to fix other bugs.
  • circovik
    22nd Oct 2012
    I won't use your mod then if the deco isn't the exactly same
  • evarno
    22nd Oct 2012
    @-jacob i dont like the deco or the general layout
  • jacob1
    21st Oct 2012
    no, it's still based off tpt and looks like it. For the old deco: sort of. On my own, I decided to make the deco editor a menu like tpt++ has. It still looks exactly the same though, and has the deco box and the old tools. In the next version, I plan to add back the color presets how tpt++ did (I didn't know where to put them before), and make it so the deco tools are automatically selected when you go in (right now you need to press 'b')
  • circovik
    21st Oct 2012
    Does it have the same interface of 83? I don't like the new one. And another thing, does it have the old deco?
  • jacob1
    21st Oct 2012
    yeah. My mod is version 83.0. It also won't bug to update ever, like the real 83.0 will. It's ok if you just don't play because of time, but I wouldn't want anyone to leave only because of an update. What about it don't you like?
  • evarno
    21st Oct 2012
    if i can play it with version 83.0, ill be happy :/ i just havent had much time for tpt, but ill be on a lot this week with the stupid effing virus bringing down my comp, and having to use my dads pc..