184 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • jacob1
    28th April
    Yeah, STKM can be a bit glitchy like that. Very unlikely we'll fix it. Particles can already go through one pixel walls, so there's precedence there.
  • gatedestroyer
    28th April
    STKM can walk through 3/4 WALL. I guess phase through, due to its mushy physics.
  • jacob1
    15th April
    WOOD's .tmp is used to control whether it looks frozen or burnt. So that tmp just triggers weird effects based on that.
    15th April
    (i have no problem with this bug, its just interesting) if you set the tmp of wood to around 1000 it turns dark blue, how does that happen?
  • ZeeQFar
    7th April
    i put alot of signs on a save and it doesnt let me place any more??
  • CHK
    7th April
    I got log out after emergency computer restart
  • jacob1
    6th April
    cWzzzzz: In 98.2? Haven't seen any reports of that, so it's very strange. In 98.0 and above there's a big traceback now, you can take a picture or paste that somewhere? Also TPT can't change your destop background so that must be something else.
  • cWzzzzz
    6th April
    opening the stamp folder made my game blue screen twice, weirldy enough it changed my desktop background to a black screen, starting to think my jank ass pc is the culprit of my problems lmao
  • jacob1
    29th March
    Tron205: No function that does that, unfortunately.
  • jacob1
    29th March
    Stevealu008: "you should make the oldest save version get deleted if more than 1 page of updates" - this is already exactly how it works. That's why you can only have one page of history, the oldest is deleted. I totally agree on seeing both creation and update date though. I'm sure we'll add that some day ...