I voted down becaause i have no idea wats going down
nope, it blasted off the buttons before i saw it(random ligh)
progress = a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage. so effort towards a goal, a.k.a. im not done yet, so if it doesnt fuckin work, thats because im still fucking building it
in = (used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits): walking in the park.
Work in progress, what of that do you not fucking get?? work = exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.
We vote down because this is shit that not working.
WTF?!?! why down vote W.I.P. means WORK IN PROGRESS A.K.A. NOT DONE!!!!!!! A.K.A. STILL WORKING ON IT!!!!!!! SO DON'T VOTE ON SOMETHNG THAT IS NOT DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!