In space you have lots and lots sorts of stars. This are only twoof them. red hypergiants are the most seen stars. Blue hypergiants are in a less number than redones but a blue hypergiant is 20 times stronger.
vy scuoti
VY Canis Majoris :D
oh dated I see.
press 5 for more details
Yes they can be stronger than eachother. Then we are talkin about its temeperature, gravity.
Actually a purple star IS possible. It's a very rare happening but when a red and a blu one melt together, it wil form a purple super giant. And no i'm not writing random.
Ok I have made my purple star even if they don't exist it doesn't matter because I think it's a nice save.
so they would be too unstable. also, stars can't be stronger than eachother
no... you can't get purple stars.. it goes blue, white, yellow, orange, red. and two supergiants would be in a binary system extremely rarely for a few hundred million years, but hypergiants are so short lived
Is it really possible for super giants to be in binary orbit? Or are you just drawing amazing things that are impossible?