almost as big as an actual book...
new saves soon...
I am not really good this is a slop account XD
antoniLingiwista: please look at my decision post. in short: i have decidet i will post everyday no matter what wievs i get no matter the votes. the ATOM TPT project is an way of making ATOM public and available to everyone. AntoniLingwista i apprechiate you asking abou it, i will make another post regarfing ATOM soon. P.S i have checked out your saves you are really good.
But what the point my good sir. Why post leaks if nobody anticipates those.
as of now both the seventh and sixth sequels are in the works. of course none of it is officialy published and i think i wont publish it. even though i wont officialy publish the saga ill leak future plans, updates and random news and cronicles.
is there a way to read those comics?
no as of now there is no "book" based on this but i am thinking about it. since atom is made out of mostly funny comics its going to be hard to make those comics onto a book as of now i am not thinkig on a book but on finnishing the sixth seqel and working on the sevents.
Very interresting, you also said "almost as big as an actual book" so that implies that a book exists doesn't it?
after the elections in 2002 the communist came back to office and focused minli on rebuliding and modernization but as monetary reserves where low not much work was ever done. the sixsth sequel wich is in the works dives deeper into the complications with money and finaces as well as faud and political scandals. please note that ATOM is an FICTIONAL universe and this is all to be taken with a grain of salt......
the project "ATOM" is an fictional universe where the company ATOM first ffounded in 1932. the first intent of the company was to build and research small utility portable nuclear reactors. after some the focus shifted from buliding reactos to testing nuclear bombs. in 1987 the communist party took office and the focus shifted to building and modernizing. after the terrotist bombigns on the 10th febuary 1990 the federal party tried rebuidingg