Its a working bouncy ball! Change -0.95 to a lower number to reduce bouncyness. Certain angles and velocitys make the FILT delete itself when hitting a slope, not sure why. Try changing any of the numbers and see what happens!
Will be doing further tests in the morning.
Im trying to test things to get them to collide with eachother. Also in stead of 0 or 1 please try 0.1 and 0.9. I am on mobile right now and do not have the time to mess with it but that may give better and more "random" ball like behavior.
but i can do the chaos theory! +1
pov: tiktok near the end of 2024
After seeing the power of the console, Im going to try to make my own mod. Might take a while though.
turns out this has no speed limit, so if you set it to loop and let a large circle of these act like there in a infinite portal loop, it'll go so fast it'll be like watching a film lol, at least before you drop frames
better than what I thought I was going to get. +1. (wow wow wow wow)
+1 for dooming us all :D
what have you created.. you just doomed us all
honestly didn't know what I was expecting but this is much better +1