You, the clump of pinkish particles, must escape my blood boiling maze. The speed in which you do, will be awarded on a scale from 1 to 5, so go go!
Thank you, thank you :) I'd like to make a level that has some interactivity in it, basically. Your saves are a great inspiration for that, in fact!
OrthogonalCaster: I saw it when it was still FP. Very, very COOL! What are your future plans for it?
Not to advertise myself, but have you seen id:3159579? In the core of it it's still more of a proof of concept and not a proper Game, but that's as far as I can game-ify a PSTN mover at the moment :)
That doesn't mean it's a right thing to do. Theft, for example, is a general term. No one would in their right mind list every item by name, that is not allowed to be stolen. it's impractical, waste of people's time and money.
There is no law against dancing on car rooftops (at least not in my country), nor should there be.
GumRat_: For technical and probabilistic reasons, it's not possible to list every rule. You should use your own logic and commin sense. Not everything has to be always stated, for it to not be allowed. Obviously, using coordinates to teleport the clump right to the end, goes against the intended route. Nullifying the challenge itself.
If there technically isn't a rule saying PGRV is the only way to move it would make it so that you could use PROP to change the X and Y straight to the end
jm211: I don't know what that is. I only have the Android version of TPT. But if it tampers with the timer, it is considered cheating.
I got a 5/5. There is no rule against pausing or playing frame by frame (press f to go to the next frame), correct?
Gowate: You can split your main pink clump into multiples and leave some in each room. That way, it's a bit easier.