67 / 2
18th March
21st March
This save summarises all the important changes made in one place. Demonstrations for some points are also included for getting a better idea. Download the latest beta and help devs make the final release more stable :)
rsst rsss whatsnew guide update snapshot useful v98 cracker1000 beta


  • gatedestroyer
    27th April
    The fact that this game exists is incredible. Since its 100% free, a lot of money has been probably sunk into it. I am amazed, and with each update it gets better and better.
  • RaconTPT
    21st April
    omg, I just realised you can actually print in 3D with rsst, if you use ehole to stack rsst, and then neut/phot it all at once.
  • Squilliam_Fancyson
    27th March
    update: beta 98.0 has got a stable release
  • coolkase
    26th March
    cWzzzzz: its like a 3d printer element
  • cWzzzzz
    25th March
    so what is the resist element for?
  • gatedestroyer
    24th March
    There should be an element MOL Meaning Of Life (its self explanatory)
  • gatedestroyer
    24th March
    RaconTPT: I want anti gravity, like the space thing! Vacuum without vacuum cleaner.
  • z4dg9ssw135
    24th March
    @Weakwill, if youre talking about jacob1s mod or cracker1000s mod then you cant, they are like mod clients. you could try installing script manager with a command in console (it wont work very well however)
  • Weakwill
    24th March
    sorry if this has been answered but are are mods available on android? if so how?
  • RaconTPT
    24th March
    gatedestroyer: Gravity wall already exists. It's one of the yellow ones.