10th February
13th February
Click on the red sign if you want to learn more about this save. Write in the save comments the location of the area you want and what will be there. I hope you like it. !!!NO AREAS LEFT!!!
VoidLord002: done.
I mean bottem first.
on the botten middle
VoidLord002: where?
two floors, red wallpaper, three rooms. storage, eat zone, kichen
VoidLord002: where, what color will the wallpaper be, what kind of people will be there, how many floors will there be and what will be the approximate plan?
Gowate: well, generally yes. Its still not worth torturing the author with overly complex structures, and its advisable to make everything destructible
upper part of the save and the pole second to the left
deactivated deut bomb and a tree
I just want to make sure before requesting a build