10th February
13th February
Click on the red sign if you want to learn more about this save. Write in the save comments the location of the area you want and what will be there. I hope you like it. !!!NO AREAS LEFT!!!
Please add an AA flak cannon on the roof (Or like an attack heli)
i wish there was more so i could place big ben
Add Dr Kleiner walking through the Citadel saying "it starts with"
Scientists say it took 10,000 years for them to reach Earth
kit237 - ok?
Beamngdriver: the lore of a random monolith is more interesting than the lore of ThingamabobOverseer's nationwide XD
Astronomers are trying to study if the aliens went extinct or were destroy by a space event.
Here is lore: Basically, The Monolith was built buy Earoluio-15B aliens during the Greek Era and they never came back to Earth since.
Add one of alien portals from subnautica in a cave
make the texture looks rusty and worn on both the ufo, the dead alien, the skeleton , and th house