A machine that sparks every WIFI in a given rectangle. Old version: bottom to top and from left to right, new version: top to bottom and left to right. logo by Bens-things5000
It's expandable, by the way.
Basically, the new version ensures the timely WIFI activation because for some reason it can go out of whack when particle order changes. WIFIs aren't copied, but only moved - and it preserves the order of things
The complicated version seems to work just fine :)
Rethought the idea and made a new version :)
It can be used for aaaanything. It's just a way to spark long WIFI sequences
Could you use this or something similar to create a SPRK animation on lines of metal?
I wonder what did I do that hurt you so much :)
@JonaHungary It's clearly stated. And I don't appreciate what you just did.
what does it do
Also, it utilizes some subframe effects, so don't rotate it :)