The Serventis-LFR features the brand new Serventum-77 Aerospike rocket engine, which is capable of up to 2.2 units of thrust. By far the Serventum-77 is my most effcient engine. its main fuel is LRBD, however it is able to run on oil at a reduce speed.
That is lovely
i just made a simple crew cab with oxyg filters to turn the co2 from the crew back to o2.
Heyo there, for the 3rd payload I'd love to see a crew capsule. (SpaceX Crew Dragon style)
Comment your suggestions for the next rocket head.
!!UPDATE!!: Added a new controller with detectors and sensors. On the controller symbols will 'light up' to indicate the condition of the engine. 'Blue +' means engine has coolant, 'Red |' means the engine is damaged/overheated. Green and red dots indicate pressure, green is safe, red is dangerous.
random imbicile stole it lol : 3068445
i saw this before it got on fp 0_o
ID:3068445 micro LFR KRi V1
f minecraft wants me to creat account for some reason and it wont creat it so im not on the server anymore
FP in 3 hours!!! Thankyou, it means a lot to me as this is my first post in quite some time. I hope everyone had a great new years. The Serventum-77 took quite a long time to construct and even longer to adjust and I'm so glad to see it reconized. :)