this is to showcase the power of protons nble is still better though #NBLE gang! Thank you for FP... again! AGAIN??
small update.
(paste full fuel tanks once the other tanks drain. the portals eat a lot of deut at the start)
its very fuel efficent but is a bit harder to start.
the first working prototype reactor has been made!
quite a bad example sry
very nice! +1!
old* im working on the prot reactor and ill try to get finished by the end of this weekend.
it may be a new concept but there are very few saves with deut-prot fuel. this is to show the possibilities and to help others get some ideas.
the only way i learn stuff like dust interacts with protons is through these things (im a new player i have no freinds to teach me that sorta stuff)
really?! prot reacts with deut , thats a very old concept , low effort for front page