Subframe LITH calculation modules for multiplication and division. To operate: load the charges with INST and spark the button that the green arrow points to. The divider uses the leading edge detector from id:2852763
@soupinwindpipe: -2
hello everybody my name is multiplier
And, the new comparator is slightly quicker and more precise than the old design so it makes the divider quicker in turn, especially when a division requires several cycles.
By the way, if anyone wonders, this is the save that came out of this convo: id:3035158
@OrthogonalCaster I don't reupload to harvest votes either, but a bit of appreciation for the time and effort saves like these take is like ointment for the tpt soul. That's why I suggested that value indicator, some people have no idea what's going on with tech saves without some visual help and it's even more bewildering to them if it's subframe.
However I still don't have a save with all the subframed modules together... I'll give it a thought :)
@Jerehmia I appreciate the support and the suggestion, but I don't really like reuploading stuff just to get more votes.
@OrthogonalCaster This is on 16th place right now, if you republish and get a vote it will be on FP again (I already +1). Perhaps if you rig up a simple indicator so people can easily see the outcome values this would get the appreciation it deserves, a simple piston indicator on a number scale for instance.
...hopefully, at least.
Changed the loop-end detector to look at several places for sparks, so no need to change any values for bigger dividers now.