Will start working when there's a charged LITH in one of the two inputs. You can quickly test it by copying a couple of provided values with INST.
New version is out! id:3058020
I think I've figured out a different way to compare LITHs...
It's still there in the save history
I was going to have a look at it but you already fixed it. :)
By the way, I've tried remaking the resetting part of this design to prevent the duplicating signals from appearing in the first place. But the best way I could fix them was by adding a filter lol
Thank you :)
I wish I could +1 these once more. It's a shame little gems like your LITH tech saves go by barely noticed.
Added a filter to prevent duplicate signals when the difference is low.
Doesn't work when one of the inputs is zero, so be sure to check for that possibility separately.