23 / 13
3rd Jun 2023
16th Jun 2023
You can use this machine to produce anthropomorphic animal templates.. No, I'm not a furry, for clarification, I just thought this would be something awesome to make.
furry fabrication machine


  • OrthogonalCaster
    9th Jun 2023
    This is a very scary machine, conceptually. I don't blame people of downvoting it out of fear that it becomes real. Weak minds, very weak minds.
  • Denderth
    9th Jun 2023
    I admittedly don't really understand why people dislike furries so much.
  • Dragon8787
    9th Jun 2023
    wow, why do people even bother hating furries in the first place
  • stepan243
    8th Jun 2023
    for some peoples thing machine could be scarier than Fukouna Shoujo 03
  • stepan243
    8th Jun 2023
    thats interesting but uhhh.. This thing melts human and puts his insides into a furry body? I think that hurts (not a hate)
  • Techno_YT
    7th Jun 2023
    updated constantly for at least three days straight? wow
  • GodOfChaos
    6th Jun 2023
    They say furries are furries because they have mental illness but i dont really get it what one thing has do with the other
  • Denderth
    6th Jun 2023
    @SkeletonNight In essence, furries are essentially a sort of subculture of humans who have an interest or affinity towards animals of an often anthropomorphic design. In shorter words, people who have a liking or interest in anthropomorphic animals / animals with sort of humanoid shape. A lot of people don't like them, for reasons I don't really know why.
  • Ingot
    6th Jun 2023
    what is a furry?
  • Supercrafter
    6th Jun 2023
    Denderth: how so many mod