All of the models I made or seen so far.. A stream end detector is a device that outputs a spark after a stream of sparks at its input has stopped. They're useful for sequencing different commands one after another.
Very nice!
The serialization-based version is great. Together with the 0-frame delay stream start/leading edge detector id:2852763 this could be considered a solved problem now :)
very nice! +1!
The stasis-delay version works in the most obvious way I think, and it's super easy to tune. The wall, however, takes such a gigantic amount of space, and walls only work on a grid so it's unwieldy to move... So yeah.
If the interval between the signal is too irregular your solution is just superior, it's much easier to tune :) Mine is set up for regular 8 frame pulses and you can easily change that to N-frame pulses, but if the interval isn't constant mine is a nightmare to tune.
These are intensely useful! +1
Cool! (comment too short)
Ah, I get it. I built a version with configurable delay, same id as before.
Naaaaaaah that's not what I'm saying, here's an example. id:3002116
Just put a DLAY at the output, you can make a DLAY wait from 1 to thousands of frames by controlling its temp propery (every degree above 0C is one frame delay).