We have no violet elements. Fortunately, I've cracked the wavelength for violet in tpt. Unless you want to figure it out yourselves, copy with credit.
For those of you confused by me saying "wavelength", I CRAY-spawned a pixel of GOO through a violet FILT of my own creation, sampled the GOO, then box-drew the sample.
ratio1: Wavelengths are the same for all elements that carry it; FILT, BRAY, photons, and bizzare matter (solid, liquid, or gas).
What did you mean by "wavelength"? Colour of FILT, BRAY or PHOT?
Also, DLAY isn't violet; it's dark purple like ISZS.
STAN doesn't count; it's only a ctype of LIFE.
Also, ID:2982844 violet PHOT. I knew how PHOT wavelength works, so it was pretty easy
STAN is LIFE with ctype 11
Bunkerstrikerua who ever aggreed that life types are elements 9ther then you
Interesting point :O I guess the best you can do other than STAN is like, EXOT exposed to ELEC, or maybe TRON
blulobster go on the tpt wiki and look at the part that says element categories, you would find that life is indeed listed there and that indicates that life IS an element, also put stan near that painted goo, you would find that it has nearly identical color