Oh and 3. Transferring the spark to another would also take an extra frame.
BlueLobsterTPT: So WWLD can't be subframe. 1. It can't power any consumers (like ARAY). 2. To perform logic it needs the spark to travel a distance through the logic gate.
The gates need the SPRK to travel, if it's moving it's not 60Hz...
also take n silicone and put it on the wwld then you get spark lmao
but you can make and gates memory xor or so its possible to make a adder and idk about not gates but but diodes is working and the simplest
BlueLobsterTPT: Cool idea but WWLD can't power any DRAY, ARAY or CRAY... particles. So I don't think it's possible. Nice save though +1.
yep nur noch wireworld subframe finden
das ist wirklich cool!!!!!