Separatist Map of the Bovine Republics, with colour codes to denote how separatist the regions are.
wonder what would happen if we supported the separatists
SamDwich: Quick thing I want to say, the ZSSR still exists. I'll add [ZSSR] to the beginning of my comments to represent the ZSSR speaking.
SamDwich: ok. we might start PEACFUL relations with the separatists.
@TeslaThePlasmaUser: no
SamDwich: Hey Bovine, need any help now? (Btw we just went through our own revolution and now go by The Kingdom Of Xenonia)
ThingamabobOverseer: huh
What was the Austerian genocide?
the aausterian... republic. thats the name. you can also just call it aausterland.
the Austerian WHAT
photonia is not longer separatist