A machine for replacing a bunch of mover-decorated protons with an actual PSTN mover. Now with a reverse replacer! Requested by Waterbottle123.
it disguises as a mover. 1+
That's really sweet
OrthogonalCaster: I'm still look back at this as likely the best thing on tpt
its not on the bottom of fp anymore its in 6th place
Told ya.
nvm that doesn't work cos DRAY can't replace solids and energy particles at the same time
OrthogonalCaster: ill work on subframing it
You can simple have the CRAY fire on the same frame as the DRAY.
@RaconTPT Feel free to make an improvemed version, but subframe isn't my thing :)
OrthogonalCaster: subframe. subframe is the answer.