60 / 1
22nd Jun 2022
1st Jul 2022
My 4th computer, and my 2nd after learning subframe! Decent size, decent speed, plus an actually readable assembly language and many more features make for an easy-to-use computer. Compiler & instructions on GitHub: github.com/64-Tesseract/msFILTc
computer subframe filt calculator


  • 64_Tesseract
    1st Jul 2022
    I don't know why everyone fusses over computers without keyboards. What do they wanna do with it, send a discord message? It doesn't have WIFI y'know... Even on all the computers with keyboards I've seen, only number inputs are ever used, & until 1. TPT computers evolve out of the "math demo" phase & utilize text, & 2. hardware can handle strings quickly, keyboards are useless aside from aesthetics
  • 64_Tesseract
    1st Jul 2022
    I think the real advantage of a standard is that once you have a motherboard, anyone can make components that'll just plug-n-play basically. If a CPU is too complex they can copy it from somewhere else & focus on other parts, everything will be compatible. Then once people make even a small component, they'll start appreciating & learning how to use other computers instead of upvoting based on how long it survives a bomb lol
  • JozeffTech
    30th Jun 2022
    For example, the thing I'm making right now will have DOS, full-blown keyboard and (if it goes well) actual colourful bitmapped graphics. It doesn't have any subframe, but it has coprocessors, like Commodore Amiga.
  • JozeffTech
    30th Jun 2022
    I'm already working on a standard, but there's more than just that. Computers by themselves are exciting, but a vast majority of TPT users cannot appreciate the true power of the hardware they see. They'll be like "too complex, brain broken", or, at best, "can it run doom?". What we should absolutely do after settling on a standard is to invest a lot of energy into software and marketing. We have a situation like in late 1970s, so solution should be similar.
  • 64_Tesseract
    30th Jun 2022
    The hardest part of computers is planning an architecture/language, it's more complex than just "what bits do what circuit" but I can't really explain it in words. Figuring architecture out as I made computers worked, but needed multiple suboptimal reworks & work-arounds, & lead to 4 incompatible designs. Ideally we could create our own TPT standard that would allow anyone of any skill level to create a computer, but there'd be a lot of work involved to make sure even the weirdest designs work
  • 64_Tesseract
    30th Jun 2022
    JozeffTech: I'm part of the latter group, I haven't written a line of real Assembly. irl architectures don't apply universally to every system, if a computer is designed uniquely it makes no sense to force it into an arbitrary standard, it'll just overcomplicate stuff. The problem is that each computer needs its own compiler, since they all so work differently. TPTASM tried to put a few of them into 1 program but translating between machine codes is a massive project, so it didn't get far...
  • JozeffTech
    29th Jun 2022
    But there's also a much more interesting problem. Most people who built actual computers in here replicate the real life schematics. Others were too frustrated with real schemes, so they ended up designing something that could take advantage of TPT mechanics. The problem however is that the latter mostly barely know how computers work, so their designs are just forgotten.
  • JozeffTech
    29th Jun 2022
    I think that computer engineers all across the Powder Toy should unite. For example, I have a lot of extremely exciting concepts, but I can't do subframe. On the other hand, there is a subframe god, but he doesn't know what to do apart from Fibonacci or even how to make his system more user-friendly. If we combine our powers, we can perform a computer revolution.
  • Sandboxvoid
    29th Jun 2022
    64_Tesseract: I think you need the right brain type for this kind of stuff, I read through Mark2222's tutorial on subframe and still barely had a clue as to what it meant. I can do the most basic of subframe but whenever I try to make a computer part it decides it doesn't want to work after being saved/stamped/doesn't work in the first place cause particle ordering is a mindf***
  • 64_Tesseract
    29th Jun 2022
    TPT really is an iceberg, there's a scale of users from noobs drawing 5-wide wires randomly, to figuring out PSCN/NSCN & PTCT/NTCT, to FILT binary & finally to subframe... There's also a computer literacy iceberg from calling google a "browser" to programming