SUS 3843 is a peter (not keter peter) class object and is to be kept in a container with a decontamination zone at the door.
They were caught in the blast radius,also because I'm bored.
AHH: and who even are you, why did you spontaneously make lore for the polandball universe and comment on my saves
AHH: but all polandballs, susi germanyball and ussrball do that too, same with polandtangle
It disintegrates when you unpause because it was infected with the plauge and we had to end it's misery with the big boom laser.
and so does the ussr actually, and part of sus germany, and polandtangle's dot eyes
unpause and poland ascends
polandball should not furry -1
7shotsolo: polandtangle here is hellbent of anschlussing germany in revenge and nothing else but i guess polithuaniatangle is a valid polandtangle subvariant