The F class was convicted with the murder of [REDACTED] before they sere sent to the facility as a F class.
The incident was when the F class suddenly fell through a wall into the pocket dimension where it and SUS 503 remain.
When the F class left the containment zone SUS 503 was seen only on CCTV footage teleporting and causing panic in the F class
After a F class was sent to test it,It caused symptoms of panic in the F class via unknown means.
Before the incident it appeared as a rectangle with the flag of poland on it.
the whereabouts of SUS 503 are unkown,all we now is that it resides within a pocket dimension, it also teleported a F class along with it.
SUS 503, Special containment procedures none lol.
Ok I'll make a poland tangle SCP parody
polandcube now exists, this is not a drill take cover now
yall focusing on kawaii polandball but i think polandtangle is a bigger threat here