TPT's STRONGEST AZUREBOMB. Made using aspecialy designed material, like my hyper dense exot. If you want to know how to quantify a azurebombs strength use the K-Scale. there is a newer evolution of this the UPENDED-EVO.
prove it ConcreteKingdom
mines stronger
looks weak but watch the amount of WARP its truly insane.
wow. this is one strong azure.
this new improvement allow the upended to beat the k-scales Advanced Destruction Test. making this bomb a azure prime.
to fix this issue i removed the protons from the middle of the bomb and added more to the outside of the bomb, doing this ensure that for the short duration the bhol exists it has no time to react with the protons.
i have just massively improved the Upended. in its previous versions it was reacting the bhol that is formed in the first few frames of the explosion with the mass of protons in the center that are being pushed out making sing. this sing was a huge issue, it was eating the warp which hindered the bomb greatly.
wow. The k-scores of this bomb are f**king ludicrous.
Explosion looks small, however the amount of ANAR, WARP, it produces is truly mental.
the back story was fun to make however its pretty inaccurate. enjoy :)