4th Mar 2022
13th Apr 2022
BWVII has started after rebels from the island of Conschelina have began their invasion of the island. Gravitonian soldiers are currently battling them as they are beggining their invasion..
wait im not sending troops just attacking them with biological weapons
im sending troops to help you 1701
gosh that blue hurts my eyes!
id:2871968 for reference
I'm sending Helsings
Samdwich: go ahead, some armies have had to flee but not often
As the leader of Photonia of Bovine we will support the Graviton Republic in this war with natural resources such as iron and other metals
im transfering batle comand of a knarock troup carier (900000 soldier,10000 Tanks 20000 Light vehikels,and 2000 bombers) to the gravitonian goverment. aditionaly,we are preparing a masiv kew Strike and multiple Ray charges to hit the Rebels whit enought forces to turn them into a crater of dust.
mind if i control part of the land until this thing is over, so we can make more stuff?
sending support via air and ground units, SAM missles and other military objects