The logical next step to hyper_cubes' word rainbowriser. This is Deco based so please turn on decorations.
@jerehmia thanks,i will try to understand the tpt simulations and how to optimise filt
why was this getting hated on? do people not understand what a deco layer is?
@hyper_cubes You can also do what I call fast filtering, you can build filter/aray logic that is just as fast as subframe but is much easier to construct. Check id:3001901 for fast filter rom and id:2998545 for a fast filter adder using the same building block as the serial adder I showed you. If you understand the adder and the rom (and why they are so fast) the next step is real subframing.
i dont really understand subframe but i do something with it
this guy made my logo better with this +1 thanks
@MCHAMSTER check id:2862517
@YCY Exactly, you need to copy everything on the extreme right into your own save, you can change the filt colours to your liking so you can make your own colour changes/blends.
Waiiiiittt.... So you need the "Line" on the right, so you need to copy paste that in a new simulation to make this work??????
Can You Also Make A Logo Rainbowizer Like hyper_cubes Did
also +1