civilizations that agree to the ulee enforce it
Who's enforcing it? And also, if they decided to violate the laws, who stops them?
also please remove the rule on warp-based gravity bombs.
i want some clearing up on rule 5, am i able to destroy a species if it attacked me first?
This is very good. However, there is one change to be made. Instead of setting the TNT limit to 1000 (1 kiloton) of tnt, i say we increase it to 1 megaton (1,000,000). Even though that sounds like a lot, humans have made weapons exeeding 50 megatons.
for the sake of lore and my sANITY we will say dray is some sort of laser and it gets inevitably spreads out over distance so that it becomes weak quickly enough
what happens when i use dray in space? does it just destroy every single thing in the universe since it makes an infinite line? what are they gonna do
on the other hand,a few hundret of them cann wipe out a civilisation,if theyr makers give them enough data on how toact to do so. imagine a gray goo nanobot swarm that understands the concept of space travel,using ships like a virus the body,traveling fromm world to world,sistem to sistem,and then when its too late to contain them... even a normal gray go cenarycann be genozid. imagine a smart one.
gray goos arent practical in space considering how empty it is, it wouldnt be much of a threat