With an improved virus research laboratory, the PWBA begins to study Kinolls and find a way to cure and vaccinate against it.
this save is a war crime :D
Heres a slow but effective treatment (dose is 1 a bovine day) id:2840010
oioioioioi: they do, a lot
why dont these viruses mutate
1701: um that id doesn't exist
i made a second cure prototype:2834974
Alternatively, if you could send us samples, delivered to (CORPERATE SECRET: UNABLE TO DISCLOSE), we could work on a cure for you
Crab Aerospace can and will send our best med techs to assist in research, if you need them
the programer was just cheking that everithing was going right and that im Not trying to Trick you.
7shotsolo,you Don't even have the basics of my programing language,and the ai is at the Moment translating the programing language med-2(the language invasiv medicall sistems are Programmed in)to BOV+