aloe vera refrence??!/!11?!/11/1
Waitttttttt........ There's already Haemolo, so this can't be the Haumea analog. Anyways, I still want rings
With the fact that the Penlian system is clearly a solar analog (star system based off of Sol system), I will assume that Alo is Haumea here. Haumea is actually an egg. But it's missing rings. I want rings
There's a dwarf planet that's an actual E G G,next is the L I M E planet.
Nicktheboi: greymon!!??!?!?1!?!?1!??!?!?/??1!?1
IS THAT ALEMON PLANET!1!!111111!!!!!1!
The rest of the fragments from said collision either crashed into Vera or Alo, or were shot into space crating the Aloids.
bad, frostbyte242: Alo rotates chaotically like an asteroid despite being almost in hydrostatic equillibrium, this is thought to be the result of a massive collision a long time ago that formed Vera. Vera's orbit is also chaotic, changing inclination and ,to an extent, eccentricity almost monthly