so you technikly did Not even destroy one of my colectors. but i will Just say it hapened. ok? because i have one comerzial and one Military orbitall colector. and If the Military colector was still intact in the war... you would be destroyed.
Well,then Its chrapnel is inefectiv against my Lasers.
and, obviusly that is a Problem for an Army. and ,i have a question. how much Speed do your misiles have relativ to earth.
basicly,one troup of humaoids talking about tactics cann be enought to Take Out all your sentinels.
and there are bilions of ways to triger this,so you cant Programm it to so it isn't vounerable to it.
wich is unfortionat , because If one gets compromised every other gets compromised.
Its Like a bomb that has a fifty fifty Chance to explode every second.
the Feedback loop has a Chance to be trigered everitime the sentinal analises the sourounding.wich is constantly.
the Problem is, you don't know that its compromised before it uploads Its Data to the hivemind,compromising every other .