Following a long Vooperian war finally won, and the destruction of Phobos, the AVBF collapses and the Bovine Union Mooraliforms Mars into an extrapenlian home. (Part of the Moo-ture Future series)
welp.. thanks cows.. u did something good for once. take mars... also i still have like 40 alt "marses". im not vooperian im just good at dimension travel. and i will help u defeat vooperia. accept, sam?
Also, if you refuse to give mars back then your home planet will be apart of some kid's marble collection.
huh this was fp then not fp then fp again
And my bomber can "UnMooraliform" mars, since it basically makes it back the same as it was, anyways, thanks for a free planet, and for steak!
No, cows can't win a war against a galactic superpower
unpause for explosion
huh so Bullara is earthlike with an earthlike atmosphere and earthlike temperatures, I am assuming? Some parameters for the mooraliformed planet?
a planet with life simply should not have a ring unless it wants all life to die
unpause for planet explosion
id:2817006 have fun rebuilding a planet