Now I need to think... ... ... I need some advice on adjusting the comic to be within those lines. I have no idea, honestly, as I estimated the plot progression up to issue 16. Please, can you recommend something? And also, why no one answered when I asked about this issue on the forum?
To be clear, this save skirts the lines of what is allowed, I would absolutely not say "blood and gore" are allowed on TPT. I suggest you don't publish something like this again. I'm not unpublishing this now though as it's really cartoony and nobody has reported it yet either.
In what sense? The style or the situation?
Wow.. This is quite disturbing...
And blood and gore are allowed. I doubt if something I'm going to draw on New year is allowed, though, but as long as public is OK with Christmas Yoda, it should be fine.
Because that thing can't be drawn in TPT.
blur thing... uhh. if you didn't blur the gore blood why did you blur the thing between the legs